Life long learning is at the heart of leaders and organisations who stay 'future-fit'. Our podcast, Classroom 5.0, explores lived-experience stories and cutting edge insights from industry leaders on topics related to the future of learning, work and leadership.

Explore previous episodes, and stay tuned for our next season, featuring insights on peak performance applied to NeurodiversityΒ Β Β 

Zach Mercurio, on the art and science of meaningful living and work, and why knowing you matter, matters.

podcast classroom 5.0 Dec 23, 2022


Want 2023 to be your most meaningful year yet?

Then listen up, and get those glitter gel pens ready. This conversation will fire you up to set some SERIOUS goals... 


Today's guest, Zach Mercurio is an author, researcher and speaker on all things related to purposeful leadership. Back in March, off the back of tumultuous change and transition in my own life, I reached out to Zach to share what I'd been noticing personally, and amongst many friends and clients - a desire to connect with something bigger that ourselves, a yearning for community, and a collective recognition that what we have all gone through this past few years has been BIG.

In true Zach style, he responded with authentic and compassionate care, and a spirit of curiosity that in my opinion, needs to be shared widely. So, with my fingers crossed tightly behind my back, I invited Zach to join us back in conversation. Here it is.

I'm always grateful for the insights gained from considering life's biggest gifts and miracles with Zach. In time for your end of year reflections and 2023 planning, I'm delighted to share with you his practical, everyday habits and reflection tools that can help you set goals around what, and who, matters most. 


πŸ‘‡πŸ½ Click below to listen πŸ‘‡πŸ½



In this episode, we explore: 

  • What the latest scientific research and data has to say about purpose and putting meaning at work and in life
  • The impact of stressful life events and trauma, and pathways that promote post-traumatic growth
  • The value of mentors, and the important role they play in supporting resilience 
  • Why resilience is not just about the individual, and the role that family and workplace environments play in promoting wellbeing that supports performance, productivity and human flourishing
  • What the data says about the rise in The Great Resignation, and why now more than ever, people are demanding dignity,
  • The role spirituality plays in living a life of meaning and purpose, the scientific benefits of spiritual practices and beliefs for wellbeing, and how we can support young people discover their passions and purpose
  • The difference between trends and pattern spotting
  • Neurodiverse coaching questions that support the development of purpose and meaning in autistic youth
  • Why Gen Z are leading the way in creating a purpose driven workforce, that puts the planet and it's people first


 “Dignity is not brought on by merit. Dignity is your worth. PERIOD.”

~ Zach Mercurio, author of 'The Invisible Leader'


πŸ‘‡πŸ½ Click below to watch πŸ‘‡πŸ½



Free Goal Setting Tool! πŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘‰πŸΌ

Sign up for the  Classroom 5.0 newsletter and get your hands on a FREE Idea to Impact Cheatsheet, designed to help you set impact goals and create change for good πŸ™ŒπŸ½



Keen to take a deeper dive? 

Read about the resources and groups mentioned in this episode: 

  • Read the Three Meanings of Life, by Martela and Stegar here 

  • Read more about Post Traumatic Growth here

  • Read Zach's book, the Invisible Leader, here 

  • Read about The Theory of Constraints, and the optimal levels of stress here 
  • Read Zach's article think Millennials are Purpose Driven? Meet Gen Z here 


πŸš€ Hey parents and teachers!

Do you know about The Posify Academy?

This podcast, Classroom 5.0, was born off the back of our work at The Posify Group, a socially conscious education company I co-founded with my sister, Jenna O'Connell. Our vision is to see every child have access to education that helps them to discover and develop their own big ideas for the future.

Right now, you can access our flagship program, The Posify Academy, for free. It helps teens aged 11 - 14 discover their passions and interests, build their creativity and confidence, and learn positive psychology habits that improve their wellbeing! 

Click below to learn more πŸ‘‡ 



We'd like to say a big thanks to Clint Ranse and his team at My Video Productions, who have kindly sponsored Season 3 of Classroom 5.0!

Check them out here and below πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½

Loved what you heard?

It would mean the world if you would take two minutes of your time to rate and review the podcast on apple podcasts here. Remember to subscribe while you're there! Your ratings and reviews are greatly appreciated, and help us to deliver you more interviews with good humans! We do read each and every one of them, and are very grateful for your time and feedback. 

 Mariane x



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